Good Day Sir,
Below is the testimony of our overall experience
We are gifted with a charming baby boy, Aarav Pawar, in May 2015 and during his regular checkup doctor informed us that he has a birth defect called Hypospadias, this leads to incorrect positioning of urine outlet, and would require a surgery to rectify the urine outlet. We were very much concern about this as this kind of defect was unknown to us. We started doing research of the cases on internet and consulting different doctors hoping to avoid the surgery and cure him with medicines.
Our family doctor recommended consulting Dr. A K Singal from MITR Hospital, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai; we met Dr. Singal and tried to understand the defect, options to avoid surgery, complications if the surgery is done at a later age, Precautions from infections after surgery and the best age to perform the surgery if required. He explained us the best age for surgery depends on various factors, the type of Hypospadias, premature birth and the weight of the baby after delivery (In our case the best age was between 7 to 9 months). We were very much relaxed & stress free after our first appointment with doctor as the procedures of surgery explained by him was very informative, this was really helpful in taking the decision and mentally prepares ourselves for the surgery of our son.
The surgery was successfully performed on 28th December 2015 by Dr. A K Singal. His quality and integrity as a surgeon and, more fundamentally, as a person, shine through. From the moment we met him, we were certain God had led us to him.
Our son did bear great amount of pain for few day post-surgery, but thanks to the guidance of Dr. Singal, we took the precautionary measures and our son was pretty relaxed and happy after 2 days. He recovered very fast in few weeks and we are really happy and proud to take the decision of his surgery effectively.
I would like to appeal and recommend the parents whose kids are having Hypospadias should consult the doctor early and discuss about the options and procedures, I am sure that most of the parents would feel comfortable and relaxed after discussion with the doctor which would be helpful in decision making. Delaying the decision of surgery would not be the best option, as this could increase the risk of infection and improper healing.
I am really thankful to Dr. A K Singal for his support and positive attitude; I wish him a glorious & successfully life.
I wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you MITR Hospital staff for fantastic care of my son.
Gaurav Pawar & Vaidehi Pawar