Why does hypospadias occur?

Why does hypospadias occur?

Hypospadias is a congenital abnormality of the penis with an incidence of 1 in 150 live births. In hypospadias, the urinary opening (peehole) is in an abnormal position on the underside of the penis. As a parent of a child with hypospadias, you may wonder what causes hypospadias. Infact this is the most common question which parents ask us in the clinic- Why did my child develop hypospadias?

Why does hypospadias occur

The exact cause for hypospadias is not known but there are various factors which can increase the risk of hypospadias in your baby. This blog is to help you understand the probable factors which may lead to hypospadias in your baby boy.

  1. Genetic factors:

Family history: While 90-95% of hypospadias are isolated cases, 5-10% of them do run in families. If the father or anyone in first degree family has hypospadias, then the risk of having hypospadias in subsequent male children increases.

  1. Environmental factors:

Maternal exposure to pesticides or herbicides in pregnancy may cause hypospadias.

These pesticides are known to be endocrine disruptors, they interfere with the androgen and oestrogen signalling pathways during genital development, hence causing hypospadias. This is a hypothesis and studies are still under process to clearly link exposure of pesticides to occurrence of hypospadias.

There have been studies showing higher risk of hypospadias due to plasticisers in the single use plastic bottles. The chemicals here act as male hormone blockers and interrupt development of penis, hence causing hypospadias.

  1. Hormonal exposure in pregnancy:

During pregnancy, certain hormones may be advised for the mother to decrease the chance of preterm labour or miscarriage. This is common after invitro fertilization (IVF) conception, twin pregnancy and in precious pregnancies. Carmichael reported that the use of progesterone to prevent early pregnancy loss was associated with risk of developing moderate to severe hypospadias.

  1. Maternal factors:

Maternal pre pregnancy obesity with a BMI>30 has been associated with 1.3-to-2-fold increased risk of hypospadias compared to other women who had normal weight in the pre pregnancy period.

Maternal nutrition is very important for the development of fetus. Folic acid supplementation in the pre conceptional period is necessary to prevent various congenital anomalies. Study conducted by Mavrogenis et al showed that folic acid supplementation early in pregnancy was associated with low risk of hypospadias.

Hypertension in pregnancy and usage of anti-hypertensive medicines are associated with development of hypospadias in the fetus. Untreated hypertension has an odds ratio of is 2.1 and anti-hypertensive usage in pregnancy has an odds ratio of 1.6 for development of hypospadias. The cause for this is most likely because of reduced placental perfusion in hypertension.

It has been hypothesized that the maternal use of estrogen and progestin may cause hypospadias because of interference with fetal androgen production or action. Several other medications have been associated with moderate to severe hypospadias. These include ibuprofen (odds ratio 1.2), Venlafexine(odd ratio 2.4), proton pump inhibitors(odds ratio 4.4) and clomiphene citrate(ovulation induction agent with odds ratio 1.9)

  1. Birth factors:

Infants with hypospadias are most likely to be born preterm, low birth weight or small for gestational age. These are more strongly associated with severe hypospadias than the milder forms of hypospadias. Placental dysfunction may fail to stimulate fetal androgen production which is necessary for urethral closure. It also causes reduced transfer of nutrients to the fetus causing growth restriction. Placental dysfunction and androgen deficiency in early pregnancy are known to cause intrauterine growth restriction and hypospadias.

The most important message here is that it is not the fault of the mother or father which can cause hypospadias in their child. The above-mentioned factors may increase the risk of hypospadias but that is not always true. A pregnant woman should take care of her health and avoid exposure to chemicals as much as possible. She should maintain a healthy diet, get good sleep, and avoid stress. Even if your child has hypospadias inspite of all the extra care, do not worry. Hypospadias is a condition that can be easily corrected by surgery by an expert pediatric urologist or a surgeon who specializes in hypospadias repairs.


At hypospadias foundation India, we have been blessed to treated families having twins or two brothers with hypospadias. We also have cases where father had hypospadias and then their child had hypospadias. Some of these parents themselves did not achieve good results in their day and age but now with latest techniques which we use at Hypospadias Foundation, the results which their children get after hypospadias repair surgery are very good.

In current era, success rate of hypospadias in first surgery itself is more than 95%. At hypospadias foundation, we treat hundreds of children and adults with hypospadias every year, both the ones which are primary or the ones where the previous repair has failed. If your child has hypospadias, do visit us, or consult us online to get the best hypospadias treatment for your child. Every child deserves the best and we are here to support you to give the best care to your child.


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    Hypospadias and undescended testis: Diagnosis, surgery and treatment plan

    Hypospadias and undescended testis (also called cryptorchidism) are both very common clinical problems in young children. While hypospadias occurs in 1/150 boys, undescended testis is even more common. But the treatment for both of them is different.

    Hypospadias and undescended testis

    Undescended testis: What is the usual treatment plan?

    When we see a newborn child with undescended testis, we often wait before advising surgery as nearly 60% of the testis which are undescended at birth may come down to a normal scrotal location by 6 months of age. This is even more true if the testis has already come out of the tummy and can be felt by the doctor during the examination in the OPD (palpable undescended testis). For the testis which are higher up in abdomen (intra-abdominal undescended testis) chances of coming down spontaneously are quite less but possible.

    Hypospadias: What is the usual treatment?

    Hypospadias on the other side, almost always requires surgical correction. And the right age for doing the hypospadias surgery is between 6-18 months of age. We typically advise the hypospadias repair surgery to be scheduled around 9-10 months of age. For hypospadias without chordee, it is usually a single stage surgery while for severe hypospadias or severe chordee, we choose to do a two-stage hypospadias repair procedure.

    Both hypospadias and undescended testis occurring together- what does it mean?

    When both hypospadias and undescended testis occur together, the diagnosis and treatment is much more complex. The most important thing to be done for these children is to investigate them for disorder of sex development or DSD. DSD is present in upto 15% of children who have both hypospadias and undescended testis. If the hypospadias is severe like scrotal or perineal hypospadias and the child has both sided undescended testis, the chances of a DSD condition go upto 50%.

    So, what tests we do when we see a child with both hypospadias and undescended testis?

    Any child who has hypospadias and undescended testis, should be investigated for a disorder of sex development. We are worried about conditions like mixed gonadal dysgenesis or true hermaphroditism or even severe variety of congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

    Typical tests to rule out such conditions include:

    1. Ultrasonogram to check for any abnormal organs inside, status of gonads.
    2. Karyotype – to check for chromosomal abnormalities.
    3. Hormonal evaluation – Genitogram or cystoscopy: some of these children if they have DSD also may have remnants of vagina or utricular diverticulum which can be seen only on a genitogram or a cystoscopy. MRI scan: may be needed in selected cases to rule out hemiuterus or fallopian tube.

    Treatment plan for hypospadias and undescended testis

    As outlined above, the first thing to do is to find out if the child has a DSD. If there is DSD, then we involve a pediatric endocrinologist and then consider assigning the gender and surgical plan starts from there.

    If there is no DSD, then we prefer to do the hypospadias repair and undescended testis surgery together at around 9-10 months of age. If the undescended testis is palpable, it can be brought down in one stage via a short open surgery. If the testis is intra-abdominal then child will need a laparoscopic single or staged orchiopexy. For hypospadias, if there is no chordee or mild chordee, then we can do the orchiopexy and single stage hypospadias repair together. If hypospadias is very severe or there is severe chordee then we would need to plan for a two-stage hypospadias repair.

    Summary: If your child has hypospadias and undescended testis, you must visit a qualified pediatric urologist and a hypospadias specialist. Before any surgery, a full evaluation has to be done as it has repercussions for future sexual function and fertility. But the good thing is that hypospadias and undescended testis repairs can be combined to help child get good result from both in one hospital stay whenever possible.

    At Hypospadias Foundation India, we have treated thousands of children with hypospadias and some of them also had a undescended testis. A thorough evaluation and a plan for management for both was given and it worked very well for these children. Dr A.K.Singal and Dr Ashwitha Shenoy are rated as the best hypospadias surgeons in India. If you need an opinion or consult us for your child, please do write to us at hypospadiasfoundationindia@gmail.com or fill up this contact form.

    Keywords: undescended testis, cryptorchidism, hypospadias surgery, hypospadias and undescended testis, right age for hypospadias surgery, right age for undescended testis surgery, undescended testis surgery, disorder of sex development, surgery for DSD, hypospadias repair, hypospadias specialist, best hypospadias surgeon in india, hypospadias treatment in india


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    Does Hypospadias cause male infertility?

    For some men with hypospadias, a congenital condition where the urethral opening lies somewhere on the underside of the penis, questions about fertility can loom large. While hypospadias itself doesn’t directly impact sperm production, its associated complications can sometimes pose challenges. Hypospadias cause male infertility in certain cases due to these complications. But remember, this doesn’t mean that all men with hypospadias will necessarily be infertile. Let’s delve into the link between hypospadias and fertility, exploring potential concerns, available solutions, and fostering hope for fatherhood.

    Understanding Hypospadias:

    During fetal development, normally the urethra forms by folding of tissues from scrotum to the base of the penis to the tip of the penis. The failure of this urethral closure leads to hypospadias. The severity of hypospadias varies, with the opening appearing anywhere from the scrotum (scrotal hypospadias) to the base of the penis (penoscrotal hypospadias) to near the tip of the penis (distal hypospadias). Besides the misplaced opening, most men with hypospadias also have a downward bending of the penis during erection – called chordee. Hypospadias can cause male infertility as 5% of cases may also have an associated undescended or absent testis, which can lead to lower sperm production. Such men need to be investigated for a disorder of sex development (DSD) or intersex.

    Hypospadias and Fertility: the Possible Connections:

    In isolated hypospadias with both normal testes, the sperm production usually remains unaffected, yet certain hypospadias-related factors can influence fertility:
     Urethral location: In severe unrepaired hypospadias cases such as scrotal or perineal or penoscrotal hypospadias, ejaculation might not be able to reach the vaginal introitus, hindering fertilization.
     Penile curvature: Significant curvature can make intercourse physically difficult. Sometimes erection can also be painful when there is significant chordee
     Meatal stenosis: abnormal hypospadias opening may be very small leading to urinary and sperm flow obstruction.
     Prostatic utricular diverticulum: Some men with severe hypospadias may also have a large sac near their prostate gland where sperm tubes (vas deferens) open. In such cases sperms may not flow out easily for fertilisation.
     Post hypospadias surgery issues: At Hypospadias foundation, we see lot of men who have had repairs done earlier and have poor fertility though they have a normal sperm production. The common reasons for this are complications of hypospadias surgery such as: residual curvature or chordee, stricture in new passage, diverticulum or baggy new urethra or fistulae in the urethra.

     Psychological considerations: Emotional concerns about body image or sexual function can sometimes affect intimacy and overall fertility.

    Hypospadias Treatment Options: Paving the Way for having children
    Fortunately, advancements in hypospadias surgery and infertility treatment offer effective solutions for addressing hypospadias-related fertility concerns:
     Hypospadias repair surgery: This procedure reconstructs the urethra and corrects penile curvature, often restoring normal ejaculation and improving sexual function. If there are complications from previous hypospadias surgeries such as stricture, residual chordee, fistula or a diverticulum- these can be repaired by an expert hypospadias surgeon leading to cure for infertility.
     Assisted reproductive technologies (ART): In cases where natural conception proves challenging, sperm retrieval techniques like testicular biopsy or micro epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA) can be combined with IUI, IVF, or ICSI to achieve pregnancy.

    Maintaining Hope: Fatherhood is Within Reach for people with Hypospadias:
    Do consult an expert and best hypospadias surgeon first. The hypospadias surgeon will check and confirm that the hypospadias repair is proper and there is no structural issue in repair. If there is some residual issue in hypospadias surgery, then that needs to be corrected first. If the infertility persists, and you suspect hypospadias cause male infertility, then you must visit an andrologist for assisted reproductive techniques.

    It’s crucial to remember:
     The majority of men with hypospadias have normal fertility.
     Early surgical intervention significantly improves the chances of successful fatherhood.
     Advanced treatments like ART offer alternative paths to parenthood. Open communication with your hypospadias doctor is key to understanding your unique
    situation and exploring suitable fertility options. Remember, hypospadias does not define your potential as a father. With proper support and available treatments, you can navigate this journey and realize your dreams of having babies and building a family. At Hypospadias foundation, we treat hundreds of children and adults with hypospadias every year. Since 2008, Dr A.K.Singal, rated as the best pediatric urologist and hypospadias surgeon in India and the world, has devoted his life to helping people with hypospadias get best results and normal life. Along with Dr Ashwitha Shenoy, pediatric surgeon and hypospadias surgeon and a partner at Hypospadias foundation, the team at Hypospadias foundation, has deep expertise in diagnosing and treating complex hypospadias.
     American Urological
    Association: https://university.auanet.org/core/pediatric/hypospadias/index.cfm
     National Institutes of Health: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482122/
     Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-

    If you wish to have a teleconsult or a second opinion from Dr Singal/ Dr Shenoy, please write to us hypospadiasfoundationindia@gmail.com or fill up this contact form: https://www.hypospadiasfoundation.com/contact/

    Guide to choose the best hypospadias surgeon for your child

    Hypospadias is a common congenital anomaly diagnosed at birth. Most of the children will need repair surgery for hypospadias and this surgery should be done by 18 months of age in a child who is born full term and is otherwise healthy. The hypospadias surgery, when done, should be carried out by an expert hypospadias surgeon. The hypospadias surgeon should be trained in hypospadias surgeries and have extensive experience and dedication to hypospadias-related work. 

    As a parent of a child with hypospadias, you may be confused about how to choose the best hypospadias surgeon. Any pediatric urologist or pediatric surgeon can operate on a child with hypospadias, but every surgeon may not get the desired and best post-surgery results. Here are a few tips that will help you shortlist the best hypospadias surgeon for your child.

    1. Ask your pediatrician: Pediatricians and pediatric urologists or surgeons often know each other well and work closely. Pediatricians are the first doctors to diagnose hypospadias and they can guide you to an experienced hypospadias surgeon who does lot of such surgeries and has good results for hypospadias surgery. Pediatricians often also get to see the children post-surgery and hence know the outcomes for each surgeon. Ask your pediatrician to guide you to seek the best hypospadias surgeon for your child. 
    2. Connect with parents of children with hypospadias: A parent of a child with hypospadias goes through a great deal of experience when it comes to hypospadias surgery. From pre-surgery OPD visits to post-surgery care, they become experts on how to manage their child in the hospital and after surgery. New parents can discuss with other parents whose child has already completed hypospadias repair and get an honest opinion regarding the hypospadias surgeon, experience in the hospital, and their overall experience. This will help other parents gain confidence and decide what’s best for their child.
    3. Search online for the best centres of expertise for Hypospadias Surgery: Most of the good centres for hypospadias treatment have a comprehensive website and a knowledge centre. Key things to look online are- qualification of the hypospadias doctor, years of experience, kind of cases they have managed, their success stories, their online reviews, the surgery videos, their publications and whether they are so good that they are training other surgeons. In the best hypospadias centres, their website will have enough information on all these points.
    4. Visit your hypospadias surgeon in the OPD: Make sure you visit your hypospadias surgeon or connect with them online for a hypospadias consultation at least once before you plan the surgery. In the Outpatient department (OPD) of a hypospadias surgeon you will find many other children with hypospadias which indicates hypospadias surgery is performed regularly at that hospital. Ask your hypospadias surgeon about the cases done so far, the success rate and similar cases done in the past which will help you gain confidence in the surgeon and take a decision if he/she is the right surgeon for your child.
    5. Success rate of hypospadias repair surgery: Every surgery has its own set of complications but when it comes to hypospadias the complication rates vary widely at various centers. The best hypospadias surgeon should have a success rate of more than 90% with a complication rate of under 10%.  When you visit your hypospadias surgeon do ask them about the success rate of surgery at their center. 
    6. Expertise in managing complex hypospadias: Complex hypospadias such as perineal, scrotal hypospadias and redo hypospadias (hypospadias after multiple previous failed attempts) need to be managed very differently. If your child has such a hypospadias, make sure that you ask your hypospadias surgeon about their experience in managing such cases and the technique which is going to be done in your child so that you are prepared for the post-surgery period. An experienced hypospadias surgeon will be well versed in managing complex cases as well as primary ones. 

    The first surgery is the best chance for a complete cure from hypospadias. Once the first surgery fails, subsequent surgeries become difficult. Hence, it is important that you do full research and choose wisely. Choosing the right hypospadias surgeon is not an easy decision for any parent. Every parent wants the best surgeon for their child. 

    At hypospadias foundation, we treat more than 200 children and adults every year with hypospadias. Our dedication and expertise in hypospadias makes us one of the leading centers for hypospadias repair in the world. Do not hesitate to write to us or visit us for more information on our expert hypospadias surgeons. We will be happy to offer a second opinion or help you with understanding hypospadias treatment for your child or yourself (adult hypospadias)


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