2. Hypospadias with thin urethra – Transverse Island Onlay Flap urethroplasty
3. A boy with severe hypospadias – Transverse Island Onlay Flap urethroplasty
4. A boy with scrotal hypospadias – Transverse Island Onlay Flap urethroplasty
5. A child with Severe Hypospadias – Prepucial tube urethroplasty
6. A child with Severe Hypospadias – Modified Koyanagi urethroplasty
7. Severe Hypospadias needing a Staged Urethroplasty – Thiersch Duplay urethroplasty
8. Redo Hypospadias repair using flap repair after a failed Hypospadias repair
9. Adult Redo Hypospadias using flap repair after a failed surgery in childhood
11. A child with Disorder of Sex Development – Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
12. A child with Disorder of Sex development – Mixed Gonadal Dygenesis
13. A 14 years old boy – Hypospadias Cripple- Staged reconstruction with excellent result
14. A one year old boy with failed distal hypospadias operated elsewhere- single stage reconstruction
15. A 5 years old child with failed hypospadias repair elsewhere- single stage onlay flap repair
17. Distal penile hypospadias with Penile Torsion- Repair in one stage
18. 46XX DSD Ovotesticular DSD managed with female gender assignment surgery
20. A case of urethrocutaneous fistula repair using tunica vaginalis flap
21. Single stage Primary Hypospadias repair surgery in an adult
24. Staged Repair In Proximal Penile Hypospadias – Thiersch Duplay Urethroplasty
25. Glans Approximation Procedure (One Stage Urethroplasty Repair) For Coronal Hypospadias
26. Flip Flap Urethroplasty For Single Stage Repair In A Case Of Redo Hypospadias
29. Adult Redo Hypospadias Repair By Single Stage Oral Mucosa Graft Inlay Urethroplasty
31. Single Stage Hypospadias Repair In A Boy After Multiple Failed Hypospadias Surgeries
32. Single Stage Hypospadias Repair In An Adult After Adulthood Diagnosis Of Hypospadias
33. Single Stage Hypospadias Repair In A Child With Distal Hypospadias After Circumcision
34. Urethral Fistula closure in a boy with recurrent proximal penile fistula
35. Single stage repair for mid penile hypospadias using Split prepuce onlay flap (Singal-Shenoy Repair)
36. Adult urethral stricture post hypospadias repair managed by staged oral mucosa graft repair
38. Single stage hypospadias repair in a child using residual prepuce after previous failed surgeries