Hormonal Testing Considerations in Hypospadias Repair: When and Why?

Hypospadias is a birth defect that affects 1 in 150 male babies. It occurs when the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body, doesn’t develop properly. Instead of opening at the tip of the penis, the opening is somewhere on the underside of the penis. In some cases, hypospadias may be associated with underlying hormonal issues that can affect the growth of the penis. While the exact cause remains unknown, some theories link it to abnormal hormonal development during pregnancy. In these cases, hormonal testing might be recommended before surgery to assess potential underlying conditions.

Hormonal Influences:

  • Testosterone: This male sex hormone plays a vital role in the development of the penis and scrotum. Low fetal testosterone levels might be a contributing factor to small penile size in some hypospadias cases.
  • Dihydrotestosterone (DHT): Testosterone is converted to DHT by an enzyme 5 alpha reductase. DHT is crucial for the formation of the urethra along the underside of the penis. An imbalance in DHT levels could potentially influence hypospadias development and associated small penile size.

At hypospadias foundation, we do the preoperative measurement of the size of the penis of all children with hypospadias. We check two parameters i.e Stretched penile length (SPL) and Glans diameter (GD).

The protocol which we follow at our centre is as follows:

1. SPL <30mm GD<12mm Hormonal testing
2. SPL<30mm GD 12-14mm Two doses of testosterone before surgery
3. SPL>30mm GD>14mm Normal

When are Hormonal Tests Performed?

While not routine for all hypospadias cases, hormonal testing should be done in these situations:

  • Small phallus: The presence of a small phallus alongside hypospadias might indicate hormonal imbalances. If the size of the penis, SPL< 30mm and GD< 12mm then hormonal testing is mandatory
  • Severe Hypospadias: If the hypospadias is severe, affecting other genital structures or accompanied by undescended testicles (cryptorchidism), hormonal tests along with karyotyping might be recommended to diagnose a case of DSD (disorder of sexual differentiation)
  • Family History: A family history of hypospadias or other genital malformations could also warrant hormonal testing.

Which are the hormonal tests recommended in case of hypospadias?

hCG stimulation test is the hormonal test recommended in cases of hypospadias. On day 1, blood sample is collected and first dose of Inj hCG is administered. On day 2 and day 3, Inj hCG is administered. On day 4, serum testosterone and 5-alpha Dihydrotestosterone levels are measured. The dose of hCG is 3000IU/m2    BSA. In this test pre hCG injection hormone (testosterone) levels are compared with post hcg injection hormone (testosterone and DHT) levels.

This test is interpreted as follows:

  1. There should be a rise in testosterone levels after hCG injection (more than 2 times rise after hCG injection)
  2. There should be conversion of testosterone(T) to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The normal ratio of T/DHT is under 8 and is considered abnormal above 16. Between 8-16 is considered borderline.

If the hCG stimulation test shows normal rise in testosterone and normal T/DHT ratio, then the child is given two doses of testosterone in the preoperative period. This should effectively normalize the size of the penis for that age.

If the hcg stimulation tests shows increase in the levels of testosterone but inadequate conversion to DHT, then it implies that there may be 5 alpha reductase enzyme deficiency. These children do not have sufficient DHT in their body hence they will need DHT supplementation of to improve the size of the penis.

If the hCG stimulation test results are borderline, then we prefer to give two doses of Injection testosterone and assess the response. The ones who do not respond to testosterone may need DHT gel supplementation.

Rarely testosterone and DHT may not increase the size of the penis. The cause for this may be androgen insensitivity. In androgen insensitivity, the body’s cells are unable to respond to androgens, male hormones.

Hormonal analysis in hypospadias is important because it indirectly predicts the child’s future. If the hormone levels are normal, then there will be natural growth of the penis at puberty. If the hormone levels are abnormal then the child may need hormonal supplementation at puberty. But this decision is taken at puberty if the natural growth is inadequate.

Importance of Consulting a Pediatric Urologist:

If your child requires hypospadias surgery, a pediatric urologist will determine if hormonal testing is necessary based on the specific condition and individual factors. They will explain the rationale behind the tests and address any concerns you may have. Surgical results in a small penis are suboptimal with higher risk of complications.

At hypospadias foundation, we believe in complete care when it comes to hypospadias. Penile measurements in the OPD, preoperative hormone tests and supplementation if required and planning of surgery, every step is important to achieve our goal of successful hypospadias surgery with no complications. Dr Singal and Dr Shenoy are the best hypospadias surgeons for these reasons. Every child is assessed thoroughly and taken utmost care to yield excellent results.

Dr A K Singal is a highly experienced surgeon and is regarded as the best hypospadias surgeon in India and in the world for treating children and adults with hypospadias. If you are looking for a highly skilled and experienced pediatric urologist and hypospadias surgeon for yourself or your child, then Dr Singal is an excellent choice.

Dr Ashwitha Shenoy is an expert pediatric surgeon with a special interest in pediatric urology and hypospadias. Dr Singal and Dr Shenoy’s collaboration allows them to offer advanced surgical techniques and comprehensive care for patients.

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    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult after adulthood diagnosis of hypospadias

    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult, Mr MP, 25 years male presented with difficulty in retracting foreskin. There was no chordee. He was started on steroid cream massage for 2 weeks for the phimosis. Reassessment after 2 weeks showed that we were able to retract the prepuce partially. Partial retraction of the prepuce showed that the MP had a glanular hypospadias with a megameatus variant. He also had spraying of urine and was very concerned about cosmetic appearance of his penis. He was counselled for surgery for hypospadias along with circumcision.

    On table examination showed that the patient had a glanular hypospadias with a meatus which was abnormally large, and prepuce was intact. Stay stitch was taken using 4-0 prolene. Circumcoronal marking was done and local anaesthesia with adrenaline was infiltrated at the marked site. Degloving was not done since there was no chordee. Midline incision was given in the dorsal urethral plate and transverse ledge was divided. Glans wings were widely raised and mobilized. Distal urethroplasty was done by continuous sutures using 6-0 PDS over 12 Fr silicone catheter. Local tissues were closed over the urethroplasty using 6-0 PDS. Local dartos flap was raised and sutured over the urethroplasty as a water proofing layer using 6-0 PDS. Glansplasty was done using 5-0 PDS. Glans epithelium was closed using 6-0 PDS. Marked prepucial skin was excised leaving only collar skin and skin was sutured using 6-0 PDS. Sterile dressing was done at end of hypospadias surgery.

    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult
    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult

    Dressing was removed after 7 days and the catheter was removed after 14 days of hypospadias repair. The patient passed urine well and the would healed well with a good cosmetic result. MP was very happy with the overall cosmetic and functional result of hypospadias repair.

    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult
    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult

    Picture 2a &2b: Marking of the incision.

    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult
    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult

    Picture 3a & 3b: Picture showing midline incision in the urethral plate and glans wings mobilization.

    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult
    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult

    Picture 4a & 4b: Distal urethroplasty done and local flap mobilized to suture over the urethroplasty as a waterproofing layer.

    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult
    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult

    Picture 5a &5b: Completion of repair after surgery and operated site assessment at post operative day 14.

    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult
    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult

    Picture 6a & 6b: Cosmetic result at 4 weeks post-surgery

    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult

    Picture 7: Post surgery, MP passed urine in good stream

    Single stage hypospadias repair in an adult

    Hypospadias is a condition in which the urinary opening is on the underside of the penis instead of at the tip. Some of these cases may be missed in childhood. This can happen in:

    • Case of mild hypospadias:In mild hypospadias such as present case of glanular hypospadias with MIP variant, the urinary opening may be very close to the tip of the penis. This may not cause any obvious symptoms, and hence may be missed in childhood.
    • Presence of complete foreskin:Most of the hypospadias is associated with an incomplete ventral foreskin. Certain types of hypospadias such as glanular hypospadias and MIP variant of hypospadias are known to have complete foreskin. Hence examination of the meatus after retracting the prepuce is necessary in a boy or an adult with suspicion of hypospadias.
    • Missed diagnosis:In some cases, diagnosis may be missed if thorough examination is not done in childhood.

    Adults need not worry if the diagnosis is missed in childhood. Hypospadias repair can also be done in adulthood successfully. The goals of adult hypospadias repair are as follows:

    1. Create a functional urethral opening at the tip of the penis.
    2. To straighten the penis to allow for normal sexual function.
    3. To improve the cosmetic outcome of the penis

    The type of hypospadias surgery depends on the severity of hypospadias, presence of chordee and prior surgical history. An expert hypospadias surgeon will consider all the above factors and take an informed decision and choose the right repair.


    About Hypospadias Foundation


    Hypospadias Foundation is located at MITR hospital in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai in the state of Maharashtra, India. Every year we get children and adults from all around the country and the world in search of a cure for hypospadias. Our dedication, determination, and perseverance in the field of hypospadias has helped us achieve excellent outcomes.

    Dr A K Singal is a top and expert surgeon who has dedicated his life in treating children and adults with hypospadias. His expertise in this area has helped us achieve excellent outcomes in adults and children with hypospadias.

    Dr Ashwitha Shenoy is an expert pediatric urologist with special interest in pediatric urology and hypospadias. Both Dr Singal and Dr Shenoy work together to give best results for hypospadias surgery in India for both children and adults.

    Contacting the Hypospadias Foundation:

      • +916262840940
      • +916262690790

    +919324180553 (whatsapp and teleconsult

    Keywords: glanular hypospadias repair, MIP variant of hypospadias, single stage hypospadias repair in an adult, mild hypospadias repair, complete foreskin in hypospadias, missed hypospadias, adult hypospadias repair, hypospadias diagnosis in adult, expert hypospadias surgeon, top hypospadias surgeon, excellent outcome in hypospadias surgery

    Adult Redo Hypospadias repair by single stage oral mucosa graft inlay urethroplasty

    Adult Redo Hypospadias repair, MM, a 35-year male, from Bangladesh a case of failed hypospadias who underwent three hypospadias surgeries in the past but did not get the desired result due to complications of hypospadias repair. He presented to us with complaints of passing urine from two sites – coronal and proximal penile region.

    On clinical examination in the OPD, we found that the meatus was located at the coronal region. There was large urethral fistula at the proximal penile region with hair growth from the site of fistula. He was planned for cystoscopy to assess for the status of the urethra and redo hypospadias surgery in a single stage or in two staged was to be decided based on the results of cystoscopy.

    Adult Redo Hypospadias repair

    1. Clinical picture showing coronal meatus and proximal penile fistula.

    Cystoscopy showed 1cm of hairy urethra at the site of proximal penile fistula, the rest of the proximal urethra was normal. Since majority of the urethra was normal, we planned for single stage repair. We chose to proceed with single stage proximal and distal oral mucosa inlay graft urethroplasty.

    Adult Redo Hypospadias repair

    2. Cystoscopy picture showing hairy urethra

    Patient did not have chordee hence degloving was not done. Midline incision was given over the urethral plate in the glans and distal penile region to assess the quality of the urethral plate. The urethral plate was healthy with no signs of scarring. Proximal hair bearing unhealthy urethra was excised completely. Since urethral bed was found to be healthy in the proximal and distal region, we planned to place an oral mucosa inlay graft at both sites and proceed with single stage urethroplasty.

    Oral mucosa graft was harvested from the right cheek. The graft was defatted and sutured at the urethral bed distally and proximally. The graft was sutured at the edges of the urethral plate and was quilted in place using 6-0 PDS and 5-0 PDS sutures. Following inlay graft placement, proximal urethroplasty was done using 5-0 vicryl stitch, first layer was continuous subcuticular inverting sutures. Second layer closed using local tissues with 5-0 vicryl. Glans wings were widely mobilized and distal urethroplasty along with Glansplasty was done using 5-0 vicryl.

    Patient had a per urethral catheter and suprapubic cystostomy (SPC) after redo hypospadias surgery. Dressing change was done on post operative day 4 and dressing change was done on every 4th day. Per urethral catheter was removed on post operative day 21 and SPC was removed on post operative day 22.

    Adult Redo Hypospadias repair

    3. a & b Picture shows incision in the distal urethral plate and proximal urethra

    Adult Redo Hypospadias repair
    Adult Redo Hypospadias repair

    4. a & b Picture showing oral mucosa graft, it has been placed and quilted in the distal and proximal urethral bed

    Adult Redo Hypospadias repair
    Adult Redo Hypospadias repair

    5. a & b: Distal urethroplasty being completed and second picture showing completion of repair both proximal and distal repair

    Adult Redo Hypospadias repair

    6. Picture showing status at post operative day 15 and second picture shows urine stream after catheter removal.

    Patient had a per urethral catheter and suprapubic cystostomy (SPC) after surgery. Dressing change was done on post operative day 4 and dressing change was done on every 4th day. Per urethral catheter was removed on post operative day 21 and SPC was removed on post operative day 22.

    Post catheter removal the patient was passing urine in single straight stream with no leak. Patient was started on meatal dilatation using meatal dilator with mild steroid ointment for 3 months.

    Redo hypospadias in an adult after previous multiple failed hypospadias surgeries  

    Hypospadias is commonly diagnosed in childhood, but adults also present with hypospadias because either they were never operated in childhood, or they have complications after multiple hypospadias surgeries in childhood. The common complaints which they present with are poor stream, urinary tract infections, spraying of urine, difficult sexual intercourse, or infertility. The common findings which we find in adults post failed hypospadias repair are hairy urethra, residual chordee, urethral diverticulum or urethral stricture. Most of the adults with these complications will need a redo surgery in either single or multiple stages. In more than 95% of the surgeries, we need to use oral mucosa graft while reconstructing the urethra. It is used either as an inlay graft or in staged repair.

    Cystoscopy is the first step in any of these redo hypospadias repairs. Through cystoscopy we will get an idea about the native urethra, presence of any urethral stricture or diverticulum, any hair in the urethra and the diverticulum at the prostatic urethra. This information will help us decide if we can plan a single staged repair or need for a two-stage repair.

    In the presence of long segment unhealthy urethra, we may need to plan a staged repair. The unhealthy urethra must be completely removed, and oral mucosa graft should be placed on the urethral bed in first stage and in second stage the urethra is reconstructed from the graft. The second stage is planned when the oral graft over the penis becomes soft like lip and can be easily rolled to form a urethra. The duration between the two stages is somewhere between 6-9 months. If there is short segment of urethra which needs to be replaced, then it can be done in single stage by placing an oral mucosa inlay graft.

    The healing in adults after hypospadias repair is slow as compared to children hence per urethral catheter is kept for a longer time which is around 21-28 days. Suprapubic cystostomy is done in every adult undergoing hypospadias urethroplasty. This helps in decreasing the stress on our urethroplasty suture line which in turn contributes to better healing.

    About Hypospadias foundation

    At hypospadias foundation, we get adults and children from all over the world in search of treatment for hypospadias. We provide support and information for children, adults and their families affected by hypospadias. Dr Singal and Dr Shenoy are deeply devoted to creating awareness and helping patients get the right treatment for hypospadias be it primary, redo or adult hypospadias. Children and adults from more than 25 countries visit our hypospadias foundation in search for cure and are cured of hypospadias.

    Dr A K Singal is a highly experienced surgeon and regarded as the best hypospadias surgeon in India and in the world. He has dedicated his life towards treating children and adults with hypospadias. His expertise in this area has helped us achieve excellent outcomes in adults and children with hypospadias.

    Dr Ashwitha Shenoy is an expert pediatric surgeon with special interest in pediatric urology and hypospadias. Both Dr Singal and Dr Shenoy work together to give best results for hypospadias surgery in India for both children and adults.

    Contact us:

    For appointment kindly contact us at the contact details given below.

    MITR hospital & Hypospadias Foundation, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India – Tue/Saturday 4:00pm-6:00pm, Call for appointments: +91-9324180553. Or email us at hypospadiasfoundationindia@gmail.com

    Keywords: best hypospadias surgeon India, Best hypospadias surgeon world, adult hypospadias, redo adult hypospadias, adult hypospadias surgery, adult hypospadias repair, complicated hypospadias repair, hairy urethra, oral mucosa graft repair, oral mucosa inlay graft, failed hypospadias repair, urethral fistula repair, oral mucosa graft urethroplasty, results of hypospadias surgery, failed hypospadias surgery, complications of hypospadias,

    Adult Redo Hypospadias using flap repair after a failed surgery in childhood

    Adult Redo Hypospadias using flap repair after a failed surgery in childhood, A.D, a 24 years old young man had a failed hypospadias repair (elsewhere) at the age of 4 years and at present he came to us with multiple issues:
    • Passage of urine from multiple holes on the underside of penis
    • Persistent mild chordee
    • Unsightly skin bridges and scarring on underside of penis.
    On examination- the above findings were confirmed (pic1).

    A single stage repair was planned. As a first step- the whole of terminal unhealthy urethra was laid open till the last hole and scarred skin and tracts were excised. A novel flap based on dartos was designed from the lateral aspect in sub-glanular region and this was flipped horizontally as an ONLAY flap (Jordan’s flpa) to make a neourethra. At the same time a 12 O’clock tunical plication was done to correct the mild chordee.
    Post-op the healing was very good and at present A.D. is passing urine in good stream and has absolutely straight erections. He is extremely satisfied with the functional and cosmetic outcome.
    According to his father- he has gained a new confidence and outlook ever since he has started feeling normal about his sexual organs.

    Adult Redo Hypospadias

    Clinical picture with probe in place showing multiple holes (fistulae) in distal urethra

    Adult Redo Hypospadias

    Island flap from nearby healthy skin (Jordan’s flap)

    Adult Redo Hypospadias

    Flap sewn into place thus completing the urethroplasty

    Adult Redo Hypospadias

    Completed urethroplasty in one stage

    Adult Redo Hypospadias using flap repair

    Dr Singal and Dr Dubey have an extensive experience in dealing with re-operative hypospadias who have failed surgery elsewhere. The various innovative techniques used are:

    1. Parameatal flap
    2. Transverse island flaps from nearby skin
    3. Dorsal flaps rotated ventrally
    4. Buccal mucosal patches/ grafts

    Even in the face of falied multiple surgeries, an attempt is made to repair with a single stage flap surgery. Sometimes when the tissues are really scarred and unhealthy, a staged repair is offered which includes excision of the unhealthy tissue in first stage with buccal mucosa grafting and then tubularisation in the second stage.

    Also Read: Redo Hypospadias Repair Using Flap Repair After A Failed Hypospadias Repair

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