Dr A.K.Singal presents his work at Hypospadias World Congress at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, USA

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Dr A.K.Singal was an invited speaker at Hypospadias World Congress at Children’s Research Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA, held between 30th October 2019-1st Nov 2019. Dr Singal presented four papers on hypospadias treatment and moderated scientific sessions during the conference.

The conference saw participation from more than 150 pediatric urologists and hypospadias specialists from across the world. The conference solely focussed on hypospadias. Various aspects of hypospadias were discussed such as etiology, diagnosis, hormonal tests and supplementation (testosterone injections), surgery techniques and complications/ results of hypospadias surgeries.

Dr A.K.Singal

Dr A.K.Singal

best hypospadias surgeon in india

Dr Singal with Dr Long & Dr Zaontz

Dr Singal presented the following lectures and papers in the World Congress:

  • Buccal inlay graft for failed hypospadias- Dr Singal showed technique of buccal (oral) mucosa graft inlay surgery and its results in failed hypospadias cases.
  • Considerations in adult hypospadias repairs- Adult hypospadias are difficult to manage especially if the surgery done in childhood has failed. Dr Singal showed innovative surgery techniques for such adult hypospadias cases for best outcomes.
  • Reimagined Byar’s flaps for staged hypospadias repairs- For hypospadias with severe chordee, it is important that the penile curvature gets fully corrected in first stage and then second stage surgery is done for bringing the urethra to the tip of penis. In expert hands the results of two stage surgery for hypospadias with severe chordee is very good. Dr Singal showed finer nuances of surgery to achieve best results to the audience.
  • Parental Awareness survey for families with hypospadias: Families of children or adults with hypospadias are often not fully aware of the extent of disease and what it means in the long run. Dr Singal and his team conducted a study of 150 families to understand about their concerns about hypospadias and their knowledge level about the disease/ surgery.

Overall the three-day conference resulted in great mutual exchange of ideas and also helped younger generation of surgeons learn from eminent faculty from all over the world.

Evolution in Hypospadias treatment

Hypospadias management has undergone big changes in last two decades. The results and outcomes of surgery have improved tremendously making hypospadias management a lesser headache for the doctor and the parents. Two decades back the results for hypospadias surgery were not so predictable and the surgeons and the family all used to be ready for mentally and financially for 2-3 surgeries and that too with suboptimal cosmetic and functional results.

Some of the things which have helped this change are:

  • The newer techniques of  single stage urethroplasty (hypospadias surgery) such as onlay flaps,  Snodgrass repair and prepucial tube repairs.
  • Newer and finer sutures to do the surgery such as PDS, monocryl and vicryl rapide
  • Fine microsurgery instruments for doing surgery on delicate penile tissues
  • Uniform use of optical magnification by surgeons while doing surgery
  • Day care surgery avoiding long hospitalization and infact the whole focus is on sending the children home the same day in most cases
  • Good antibiotics and  pain relief in post surgery period
  • Early age at surgery – Surgery is nowadays usually done at 6-9 months of age for a child who is otherwise well
  • Trained surgeons and teams dedicating time and energy towards giving a good outcome in children with Hypospadias
  • Surgeons with mindset firmly towards doing a single stage repair. Mindset change has been a key catalyst towards single stage surgeries.

For a penile hypospadias whether it is mild, moderate or severe (distal, mid or proximal penile), the success rates for a single stage urethroplasty are close to 95% now; meaning that only 5% of the children require a second surgery for urethral fistula and even lesser for a stenosis. This is very heartening and gives confidence to the family as well as the doctor treating children with hypospadias. For such cases, it has become like any other surgery now, the child comes to the hospital on the morning of surgery, gets the surgery done in 1-2 hours, goes home by evening playful, active and pain free. Only thing the parents need to take care is regular medicines and diaper changes. This is certainly a huge step from 1990’s where these kids were kept admitted in the hospital for a week or ten days while they recovered after surgery.

At home children eat better, feel better, are with family and there are lesser chances of hospital acquired infections with resistant bacteria. Happiness and good food is a key ingredient for a child getting a favorable result and this component is often understated and misunderstood. Keeping the child for a prolonged duration of time in hospital only increases cost of the surgery, amount of medicines used, discomfort faced by family and also risk of hospital acquired infections.

Surgeon training in Pediatric Urology also has a great bearing on the outcomes of hypospadias repairs. With advancing experience, depth of academic and anatomical knowledge, devotion of time to hypospadias is the key to better results seen for some surgeons. It is often said that in Pediatric Urology specialty, to have good results in hypospadias surgery is often the acid test. It may be easier to excel in Laparoscopy or Endourology but still challenging to provide uniformly good results in hypospadias. The repairs and the depth of knowledge and understanding required is challenging and first few cases are unpredictable with respect to outcomes and a lot of young surgeons get disheartened and stop investing themselves into the art and science of hypospadias management. First few failures often bring out the fears and some surgeons find it difficult to continue in this unsure scenario. I still don’t know a single surgeon who never had a complication with hypospadias repairs or has stopped having complications in hypospadias. They do happen even with the most dedicated & expereinced surgeons as medical science is often an imperfect science thus lending the term “I practice medicine” but with growing volumes or experience and most importantly using the catalyst of dedication the results can quickly become very good, predictable and measurable. The complication rates/ second surgery rates become manageable and suddenly it seems enjoyable.

It is very important that a surgeon enjoys his work- it should be like meditation while doing surgery wearing magnifying loupes with all the attention solely on a 2 inch area trying to finish the nature’s unfinished business with human hands. When this happens, that is when the results are acceptable to the surgeon and the parents.

Distal Penile Hypospadias repair surgery by Dr Singal

Severe Scrotal Hypospadias- Single stage repair by Dr A.K.Singal

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    Why nobody talks about Hypospadias?

    Hypospadias is a condition where the urinary opening instead of being present at the tip of penis lies somewhere on the underside of penis. There may be an associated downward curvature of penis (called chordee) as well.

    Hypospadias is a common disorder, yet it never gets much public attention. If we just talk about the hardcore data – it is staggering!!

    1/200 boys has hypospadias and this translates to 30 lakh (3 million) Indians (both adult & children) having Hypospadias which has either got treated, ignored or there have been failed attempts at repair. Every year there are more than 75000 kids born with hypospadias in India. Multiply this by 4 and you will get the global scale of the problem.

    Inspite of millions of kids having hypospadias and recent reports showing an increasing incidence because of various environmental factors, it is shocking that so little has been done to help children with hypospadias. Right from creating awareness about hypospadias to dispelling myths about Hypospadias and then leading on to supporting these children in younger age with proper diagnosis, timely surgery, evaluation for associated issues and then making sure that they develop into productive citizens of the society – this is a massive task. It requires motivation, commitment and understanding of the complex interplay both from the medical personnel as well as the parents of the child.

    Maybe hypospadias affects the male organ, putting parents and family under pressure to hide the disorder and everyone is worried about the stigma a penile abnormality carries even if repaired. Having seen numerous children with Hypospadias and their families, I understand a bit of their side. This will improve only when society starts thinking of Hypospadias or for that matter any disorder affecting the reproductive system as a small aberration and that too fully correctable with latest treatments.

    With growing experience, instrumentation, commitment and requisite team building, the results of hypospadias surgery are better than before. Hypospadias correction or Urethroplasty gets performed before infancy is over, most of the children go home the day of surgery in their diapers and success rates of a single stage urethroplasty are more than 95% over all varying from almost 99% in distal hypospadias to 90% in proximal hypospadias.

    It takes years for a surgeon to hone skills which will provide a predictably good result and a standard of care. This may involve first, a medical school training (5.5 years), General Surgery training (3 years), Specialist surgery training in Pediatric Surgery (3 years) and then a Pediatric urology training (1-2 years) – so a long haul of 12 plus years and that’s not it. It takes a further of 1-2 years to establish a centre and then train the ancillary staff for managing these children.

    During training when I saw the hypospadias surgery for the first time, I never thought that I would get so attached to caring for children with hypospadias. The surgery was difficult, required immense concentration for a prolonged period of time with magnification glasses and fine instruments, and still the results were suboptimal. It all changed during my Pediatric urology stint at Nationwide Childrens Hospital, Ohio-USA with Dr Rama Jayanthi. Suddenly, hypospadias was no longer a mathematical impossibility. It seemed possible to get predictable results after all and see happy kids. From then on there has been no looking back.

    Operating on a child with hypospadias is still the most important task for me and it something I look forward to doing every day. It is like meditation, first surgery in the morning. Everybody is ready, the team is motivated about making a difference to a little kid and then we do our jobs with precision and in sync at MITR Hospital and Hypospadias foundation. The staff is trained in pre-operative and post-operative care.

    Infact it has been the dream of my closest friend, colleague and co-founder of Hypospadias foundation – Dr Manish Dubey to see kids walking around the hospital with pink bandages on their penis and balloons in their hands and, we made it come true last year on Childrens day (14 November) when we operated 3 kids with hypospadias in a single day.

    Inside everyone lies a hope, a positive current which carries us forward through our life. We also believe that with better management of the hypospadias on clinical as well incidental issues around it, the stigma around hypospadias will go away completely. The final calling will be when we see these young kids develop into normal citizens and raise their own families and hopefully invite us to attend their weddings.
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