AKM, a 10-year-old boy with penoscrotal hypospadias, had undergone two-stage hypospadias surgery at a hospital in Mumbai at the ages of 4 and 6 years. He developed difficulty in passing urine and had a lot of pain while doing so. The urine stream was also narrow after hypospadias surgery. He came with fever and pus in urine, experiencing extreme pain during urination. Staged Buccal (oral) Graft Surgery repair.
He was referred to Dr A.K.Singal, Pediatric Urologist and Hypospadias surgeon in emergency. We admitted the child at MITR hospital and started IV antibiotics as he had urinary infection. He was taken up for surgery two days later. The whole urethra was found to be narrow till bulbar urethra. We laid open the urethra till bulb of urethra deep in scrotum. The urethra from glans to penoscrotal region was excised. In the urethra from penoscrotal region to the bulb was augmented with a dorsal inlay oral mucosal graft taken from the cheek and primary closure was achieved till penoscrotal junction. Labial oral graft was harvested from the lip and whole ventral surface of penis was grafted with oral mucosa. The child was discharged two days later, and dressing and catheter was removed 7 days later. He did very well, and the graft healed well. Six months later, urethroplasty was completed from the penoscrotal junction till glans. Glansplasty was also done to complete the penile repair. Catheter was removed 6 months later. AKM has completed 4 years after surgery and now is passing urine well standing up like a normal boy and in good stream without any complications. The follow-up[ uroflowmetry studies have shown good outcome and good urine flow. The family is extremely happy to see good result in hands of expert surgeon.
About Buccal (Oral Mucosa) graft urethroplasty
Oral mucosa graft urethroplasty surgery for hypospadias is reserved for cases where multiple surgeries have failed and there is no normal hairless skin left for urethral repair. In expert hands, staged buccal graft surgery repair has excellent results and outcomes with minimal complications. While sometimes the graft can be done in a single stage, especially if the length is very short, in most cases, a staged repair is necessary due to significant scarring and unhealthy tissues. It is preferable to remove all unhealthy tissues and then use healthy mucosa from the mouth, allowing it to heal for six months before performing the urethroplasty. Dr A.K.Singal at Hypospadias Foundation, Navi Mumbai, India, is an expert hypospadias surgeon who achieves successful outcomes in complex hypospadias repairs with fewer complications.
Watch the case video here: You tube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imlNB8EZ9jg
Notice pus at urethra
Whole tight urethra (stricture) laid open.
Oral graft taken from cheek
Oral graft taken from lower lip
Inlay urethroplasty finished proximally
Oral graft fixed well
Well healed oral graft after 6 months
Stage 2 urethroplasty
Urethroplasty completed
Excellent hypospadias surgery outcome