Before we talk about goals of hypospadias surgery, let’s understand the issues in uncorrected hypospadias.

Anatomical defects in Hypospadias: Hypospadias encompasses two basic structural defects in the penis- abnormal location of the urinary opening and chordee (bend in the penis). Another minor defect is incomplete foreskin (prepuce) which does not lead to much cosmetic or functional impairment. We regularly use prepuce and its internal tissues for performing a strong structural hypospadias repair, hence circumcision most often is a part of the procedure.

Functional issues in Hypospadias: Functionally, penis has two important aspects:

  1. Ensure Smooth uninterrupted flow of urine-possible by a wide caliber of urethra
  2. Sexual organ for intercourse and also for passage of semen for fertility

Except in minor hypospadias, in all moderate to severe hypospadias both these functions are impaired unless corrected.

Cosmetic deformity in Hypospadias: Last but not the least, except for very minor hypospadias without chordee – all the other hypospadias lead to significant cosmetic deformity which most of the teenagers and adults would not accept as normal. Genital perception is important in overall normal development of the child into a balanced teenager and adult later on.

Goals of Hypospadias repair: Hypospadias surgery procedure (urethroplasty) mostly in single stage and rarely in multiple stages (depending on the severity of hypospadias) aims to correct these structural defects, impart a good functional outcome both from urinary perspective all throughout life and later in adulthood for sexual purposes with a good cosmetic appearance.

Hence, when doing the hypospadias correction, a hypospadias expert surgeon keeps all these goals in mind. The stepwise approach with a standardized protocol helps in achieving all these goals. Over the last two decades, lot of research and dedicated best hypospadias surgeons have made sure that the anatomy and functional aspects are taken care of in an appropriate manner with long lasting good outcomes.

Stepwise standardized hypospadias surgery protocol

(As practiced by Dr A.K.Singal, Pediatric Urologist & Hypospadias Expert)

After nearly 7 years of dedicated hypospadias surgeries, we and other top hypospadias surgeons have realized that it is very important to follow a standardized approach as follows:

  • Examination under Anesthesia with magnification: The clinical examination done in outpatient department may not have been sufficient. Re-examining the child under anesthesia in detail while wearing magnifying loupes allows a hypospadias surgeon to create a mental roadmap. While scrubbing, draping, painting this roadmap provides a reliable navigation and focus to achieve best results during hypospadias repair.
  • Marking of skin incisions and injection of anesthetic agent with adrenaline: We routinely as a first step mark the incision sites and then inject dilute xylocaine and adrenaline and then wait for five minutes. This prevents minor bleeds from the hypospadias surgery site and keeps the area clean. This also allows decreases the use of electrocautery to stop the bleeding to a minimum.
  • Degloving the penis: Incisions are deepened preserving the nerve and blood supply to penis and whole skin of the penis is taken down – a step called degloving. This is done in all l hypospadias surgeries and most of the times is enough for correction of the chordee. The penis is carefullu delgoved preserving the urethral plate. Till this time, the technique of hypospadias repair is still not decided.
  • Chordee correction: Once penis is completely degloved, an artificial erection test is done to make sure that the penis is straight else various types of chordee correction procedures can be done. Straightening of the penis is the prerequisite for any type of urethroplasty and a surgeon should not move ahead with urethroplasty till chordee correction is satisfactory.
  • Deciding the technique of Hypospadias repair (Urethroplasty): After chordee correction, anatomy is assessed again. If the hypospadias is not very severe and the urethral plate (tissue between urinary opening till the glans) is wide, soft and elastic- a Tubularised Incised plate urethroplasty (Snodgrass repair) can be done). In a proximal hypospadias or a poor urethral plate, onlay island flap repair should be done. If the skin just below the urethral plate is good, then a Mathieu’s flip flap repair can also be done. If the urethral plate has been transected to correct the penis curvature then a precpucial tube repair should be considered or a staged hypospadias repair can be done.
  • Second layer coverage to prevent fistula: A second layer cover over the new urethra is very important to prevent urethral fistula post hypospadias surgery. This can be taken from surrounding spongiosum, dartos fascia from prepuce or tunica vaginalis (covering of the testis)
  • Glansplasty and meatoplasty: Reconstruction of the head of penis is a critical component for good cosmetic result as well as to make sure the opening is wide enough to allow free passage of urine. This is ensured by wide dissection of glans and also while closing the glans new urethra should be able to accommodate a good sized catheter without tension. Meatus should be left wide and an effort is made to make it like a slit like meatus which is cosmetically pleasing.
  • Penile skin closure: Excess prepuce on the top of penis is split in midline and brought on either side towards underside of penis. Jacket shaped incisions are made to remove extra foreskin and then a midline suture line is created for an excellent cosmetic outcome after hypospadias repair.
  • Proper fixation of the catheter: Urethral catheter is fixed with a stitch taken through glans so that it stays inside. The catheter is kept for 5-10 days depending on the type of surgery and healing.
  • Dressing: Decade ago very bulky and tight hypospadias dressings were in vogue, nowadays we use very soft and light dressings which can be removed easily an then let the catheter drain into a double diaper.

Following these sequential hypospadias surgery steps and a standardised protocol over last few years in more than 500 kids, has led to faster surgery, shorter anesthesia times, lesser bleeding, better cosmesis and extremely low rates of complications after hypospadias surgery at Hypospadias Foundation. And most importantly, this has also made sure that all the goals of hypospadias surgery are properly met.

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