Single Stage Repair Surgery for Distal Hypospadias and Penile Torsion

Hypospadias Foundation starts Clinic for Hypospadias Treatment & Surgery in Bahrain

A 10-month-old child was brought with complaints of deviation of urine stream and abnormal location of meatus. On clinical examination, there was distal penile hypospadias with severe penile torsion measuring 90 degrees to the left. We planned a single-stage correction for both Surgery for Distal Hypospadias and Penile Torsion, addressing both conditions simultaneously to optimize outcomes efficiently.

Penile torsion

Notice Penile torsion to left

Distal Hypospadias with Penile torsion

Surgery Steps:

Marking of the degloving incision, a crucial step in surgery for distal hypospadias and penile torsion, commenced the procedure. Local anesthesia was meticulously infiltrated at the marked incision site to ensure patient comfort. The surgical process proceeded with complete degloving and assessment of chordee, revealing a 30-degree chordee. Chordee correction was expertly performed through Tunica albuginea plication at 12 o’clock on the dorsal side, resulting in the successful elimination of chordee. Urethroplasty commenced with precise incision of the urethral plate in the midline, followed by meticulous suturing over a 7Fr Infant feeding tube with 6-0 PDS continuous sutures. Additional measures included the harvesting of a Dartos flap for extra coverage over the urethroplasty, secured with 6-0 PDS sutures. Penoscrotal web correction was also addressed, with excess skin excised and meticulously sutured using 5-0 vicryl rapide. To address penile torsion, skin flaps were rotated and adjusted, ensuring optimal alignment, and meticulously sutured all around using 5-0 vicryl rapide. Postoperative care included a 7-day period with dressing and catheter in situ, followed by their removal to facilitate the patient’s recovery.

Penile torsion and Hypospadias repair

Finished Hypospadias and Penile torsion surgery

Surgery for Distal Hypospadias and Penile Torsion

Final outcome of correction of penile torsion and hypospadias


The Final result was very gratifying with a straight penis without any torsion. The child was passing urine in good stream in straight axis without any discomfort or pain.

About Hypospadias repair and penile torsion

Penile torsion is a condition wherein the penis is rotated or twisted on its axis. The penile torsion is more commonly to the left. Many a time penile torsion may not be detected till a circumcision is planned or foreskin is retracted.

Penile torsion may be associated with hypospadias and/or chordee (penile curvature). With hypospadias, penile torsion is mostly associated with distal penile cases.

Based on the degree of glanular rotation, penile torsion can be classified as mild, moderate, and severe. It is mild if its less than 45 degree, moderate if it’s between 45-90 degree and severe if more than 90 degree.

Penile torsion in majority of cases (>85%) is between 10 to 20 degree. If it is a moderate or severe degree of torsion, urine stream may be deviated to one side.

Surgical intervention is not always required in isolated penile torsion. The indications for surgical correction are cosmetic, functional, or sexual. When penile torsion is associated with hypospadias, it should be corrected along with Hypospadias repair or urethroplasty at the same time.

About Hypospadias Foundation

Hypospadias foundation is a centre which provides personalized and best quality care for children and adults with hypospadias. It is one of the best hospital centres in India and world for surgical treatment for hypospadias in adults and children.  Our dedication in the field of hypospadias has helped us achieve excellent outcomes in these patients. We treat children and adults not only from various parts of India but also from more than 25 countries all over the world. Hypospadias foundation is located at MITR hospital in Kharghar, Navi-Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Every year more than 200 surgeries for hypospadias are performed at MITR hospital and Hypospadias Foundation

Contact us:

For appointment kindly contact us at the contact details given below.

  • MITR hospital & Hypospadias Foundation, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India
  • MITR Clinic: C1/8 Ground floor, Sector-2, VashiCall

Call for appointments: +91-2227743558/ 27744229/ 39/69 and +919324180553.

Or you can fill up this form- Contact form for Dr Singal


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Dr A.K.Singal presents his work at Hypospadias World Congress at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, USA

Hypospadias Foundation starts Clinic for Hypospadias Treatment & Surgery in Bahrain

Dr A.K.Singal was an invited speaker at Hypospadias World Congress at Children’s Research Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA, held between 30th October 2019-1st Nov 2019. Dr Singal presented four papers on hypospadias treatment and moderated scientific sessions during the conference.

The conference saw participation from more than 150 pediatric urologists and hypospadias specialists from across the world. The conference solely focussed on hypospadias. Various aspects of hypospadias were discussed such as etiology, diagnosis, hormonal tests and supplementation (testosterone injections), surgery techniques and complications/ results of hypospadias surgeries.

Dr A.K.Singal

Dr A.K.Singal

best hypospadias surgeon in india

Dr Singal with Dr Long & Dr Zaontz

Dr Singal presented the following lectures and papers in the World Congress:

  • Buccal inlay graft for failed hypospadias- Dr Singal showed technique of buccal (oral) mucosa graft inlay surgery and its results in failed hypospadias cases.
  • Considerations in adult hypospadias repairs- Adult hypospadias are difficult to manage especially if the surgery done in childhood has failed. Dr Singal showed innovative surgery techniques for such adult hypospadias cases for best outcomes.
  • Reimagined Byar’s flaps for staged hypospadias repairs- For hypospadias with severe chordee, it is important that the penile curvature gets fully corrected in first stage and then second stage surgery is done for bringing the urethra to the tip of penis. In expert hands the results of two stage surgery for hypospadias with severe chordee is very good. Dr Singal showed finer nuances of surgery to achieve best results to the audience.
  • Parental Awareness survey for families with hypospadias: Families of children or adults with hypospadias are often not fully aware of the extent of disease and what it means in the long run. Dr Singal and his team conducted a study of 150 families to understand about their concerns about hypospadias and their knowledge level about the disease/ surgery.

Overall the three-day conference resulted in great mutual exchange of ideas and also helped younger generation of surgeons learn from eminent faculty from all over the world.

A small complication in hypospadias surgery does not mean the end of the road: Surgeon and Family must work together

Hypospadias Foundation starts Clinic for Hypospadias Treatment & Surgery in Bahrain

Let me begin by saying: Hypospadias Repair surgery is not an easy surgery.

It takes a surgeon years to perfect the art and craft of hypospadias surgery. Every single slice of knife, every single snip of scissors, every single stitch holds the key to a successful hypospadias repair. Inspite of all this, sometimes the results of hypospadias surgery may be suboptimal. The reasons for this are many. Besides an undertrained surgeon or poor equipment or expertise, sometimes the healing after hypospadias surgery is unpredictable. Even after hypospadias surgery, the penis has erections every night, putting the repair at little bit of stress. There may be minor infection, or the child may be nutritionally deficient in micronutrients leading to poor healing. Even if these factors are controlled, individual healing is still very variable phenomenon, leading to a small rate of complications even in expert hands. In best hypospadias centres, hypospadias complications dip to less than 5% for distal hypospadias and less than 15% for severe hypospadias.

Any complication which happens can be disheartening for the family, the child as well as for the hypospadias surgeon. Surgeons particularly get emotionally disturbed and keep thinking about it even when they go back home and more so the surgeons who are sensitive. We as surgeons forget out 95% successes and keep carrying the burden of our complications back to our homes and our families, even the minor things haunt us. Though we may keep a strong face on the exterior, much required, inside we suffer every time something doesn’t go well. Hence, we keep striving for better and better results.

complication in hypospadias surgery

Dr A.K.Singal, Pediatric Urologist India

Well coming back to the point- One of the most common complications of hypospadias surgery is Urethral Fistula formation. Having a complication such as fistula is not the end of the road. If the family has faith and the surgeon is experienced, urethral fistula can be managed easily with a minor second surgery in most of the cases.

I wish to share one story sent by the parents on an email to us and without any changes. The family came to us from Pune to Navi Mumbai for hypospadias treatment. Here we go:

It was indeed the happiest day of our lives when we welcomed our little bundle of joy; but soon after our son was born, the paediatrician informed us the baby is having a condition called Hypospadias with chordee albeit the degree of both the conditions was really minor, yet requiring surgery. The term Hypospadias was unheard of until then by us as well as seniors in the family. It was so devastating for us to know that the little one is already scheduled for the surgery – especially on such delicate place – before even he is a month old. Although the surgery was never life threatening and was elective in nature, as parents we were extremely nervous and anxious. Like every anxious parent, we too googled about the condition – which helped us understand better about hypospadias – before taking the next step of seeing the surgeon. Here in Pune, we did meet at least 2-3 paediatric surgeons (not the urologists or who specialise in hypospadias surgery). A senior doctor suggested 2 surgeries even for this minor hypospadias. Later we met 2-3 more doctors who suggested various methods be it keeping baby hospitalised for 7 to 10 days with medicines administered through IV lines or keeping the baby open after catheterization plus keeping his legs tied to each other in order to avoid dislodgement of catheter when he moves his legs; not to mention we were extremely petrified after meeting all these doctors as they were not at all empathetic not cordial. Not unexpectedly we were not convinced with any of the doctors as through google we already had understood that the condition can be treated as a day care surgery and babies are managed on oral medicines and in double diapers. Here, no doctor was talking about diaper and taking the baby home next day if not the same day. With due to respect to these doctors, we didn’t want to go ahead with the doctor with whom we were not comfortable with whatever little knowledge we have had gathered on this subject. The question of finding the right doctor was still there. Again, while googling we could get to know that there could be doctors who specialise as paediatric urologists and have vast experience of treating the babies / kids with hypospadias. Thanks to google and age of internet we found Dr. A.K. Singal.


The day we met Dr. Singal:

By the time we met Dr. Singal, our son was already 5 months old. After meeting Dr. Singal we realised why things didn’t move ahead with the previous doctors. Meeting Dr. Singal was so up to the mark as he explained the condition in detail, what he will be doing in the operation theatre and how the baby will be managed post-surgery. He was not only empathetic but also cordial and could understand what exactly the parents must be going through when their little ones must go through the surgery at very young age. His attitude was very positive. We had met the doctor we were looking for. Needless to say, we were so convinced and decided to go ahead with the surgery by Dr. AK Singal. He confirmed that both the defects would be covered in one surgery and the chances of any complications could be considered up to 2-3%. The age he suggested for the surgery was between 6 to 9 months. We took our own time to decide on the date of surgery and scheduled it when he was 14 months old. In the meanwhile, we met Dr. Singal twice with the doubts that we had. Each time he was very cordial in explaining the doubts in detail.


On the day of Surgery:

It was finally the day of the surgery. Nevertheless, we knew that the surgery is going to be for baby’s own good, yet our hearts were in the mouth. The doctor, as well the staff are so good that they would cater to every alarm by an extra-anxious and sensitive parent like me. The surgery went well, and the baby was brought back to the room. He was sleeping most of the day but when he opened his eyes I missed my heartbeat in the anticipation that he, now, would feel pain and the soreness; but to our surprise, he did not have any post-surgical pain on that day and any following day thereafter till the wound was healing. He was at his playful best by the next morning of surgery. He was kept in double diapers i.e. a hole was made in the inner diaper through which catheter was brought out and left to drain in the outer diaper. This method provides a cushion to the operated site, avoids catheter getting pulled accidently and makes it easy for parents to carry the child. Doctor suggested us to go home the next day, but we decided to continue for one more day for the betterment of the child. The nurses were so attentive and very cordial. After removal of the dressing and catheter, unfortunately our son caught the infection at the operated site which resulted in an extremely tiny fistula, which could not be spotted unless seen with the extreme care. This fistula was so tiny that the urine would come out from it in a drop or two. Later, as he was growing the urine output from the fistula grew to multiple drops.


Next appointments with the doctor:

Despite our son developed the fistula, our faith in the doctor never faded away as we were sure that doctor must have done his job with 100% care, and it was our and our baby’s fate to have the complication. The doctor never rushed and pushed us for the second surgery. He was hopeful that this tiny fistula can be healed on its own over the course of time; but the misfortune may have it, the fistula never healed, and worsened with the age by the end of year 2018. We had no choice but to put him through yet another surgery. This time as well the same protocols were followed and now our son is doing good after relatively minor second surgery.

Notes for the parents:

  • Please do your research when your little one requires any kind of surgery.
  • Have your questions ready so that you don’t miss any of them while you see the doctor
  • Trust your vibes. Don’t go ahead with the doctor unless you’re 100% convinced.
  • Get all your doubts cleared before you schedule your little one for the surgery
  • Take a note of your baby’s food habits and arrange for them well in advance, especially if you are an intercity / interstate / international patient. Carry sufficient (or maybe surplus) supplies during this crucial time as the baby / child can be cranky due to change in schedule and nonetheless due to procedure.
  • Carry his / her favourite toys, as that can sooth them.
  • Engage them with cartoon videos
  • Most importantly, however low and stressed you feel, never show baby /child your emotions and keep the spirit high. This is a tough time which too shall pass, just hang in there.
  • Follow medicine schedule very promptly. Be on top of the pain. Be very punctual when to comes to medicine schedule.
  • Be vigilant but don’t panic, call the hospital if you are not sure what to do?


Hope this story helped the families out there in some way. The lessons from the story can help both the surgeon and the family in having faith in the worst of times.

Take care and god bless.

Dr Singal

complication in hypospadias surgery