Single Stage Repair Surgery for Distal Hypospadias and Penile Torsion

Hypospadias Foundation starts Clinic for Hypospadias Treatment & Surgery in Bahrain

A 10-month-old child was brought with complaints of deviation of urine stream and abnormal location of meatus. On clinical examination, there was distal penile hypospadias with severe penile torsion measuring 90 degrees to the left. We planned a single-stage correction for both Surgery for Distal Hypospadias and Penile Torsion, addressing both conditions simultaneously to optimize outcomes efficiently.

Penile torsion

Notice Penile torsion to left

Distal Hypospadias with Penile torsion

Surgery Steps:

Marking of the degloving incision, a crucial step in surgery for distal hypospadias and penile torsion, commenced the procedure. Local anesthesia was meticulously infiltrated at the marked incision site to ensure patient comfort. The surgical process proceeded with complete degloving and assessment of chordee, revealing a 30-degree chordee. Chordee correction was expertly performed through Tunica albuginea plication at 12 o’clock on the dorsal side, resulting in the successful elimination of chordee. Urethroplasty commenced with precise incision of the urethral plate in the midline, followed by meticulous suturing over a 7Fr Infant feeding tube with 6-0 PDS continuous sutures. Additional measures included the harvesting of a Dartos flap for extra coverage over the urethroplasty, secured with 6-0 PDS sutures. Penoscrotal web correction was also addressed, with excess skin excised and meticulously sutured using 5-0 vicryl rapide. To address penile torsion, skin flaps were rotated and adjusted, ensuring optimal alignment, and meticulously sutured all around using 5-0 vicryl rapide. Postoperative care included a 7-day period with dressing and catheter in situ, followed by their removal to facilitate the patient’s recovery.

Penile torsion and Hypospadias repair

Finished Hypospadias and Penile torsion surgery

Surgery for Distal Hypospadias and Penile Torsion

Final outcome of correction of penile torsion and hypospadias


The Final result was very gratifying with a straight penis without any torsion. The child was passing urine in good stream in straight axis without any discomfort or pain.

About Hypospadias repair and penile torsion

Penile torsion is a condition wherein the penis is rotated or twisted on its axis. The penile torsion is more commonly to the left. Many a time penile torsion may not be detected till a circumcision is planned or foreskin is retracted.

Penile torsion may be associated with hypospadias and/or chordee (penile curvature). With hypospadias, penile torsion is mostly associated with distal penile cases.

Based on the degree of glanular rotation, penile torsion can be classified as mild, moderate, and severe. It is mild if its less than 45 degree, moderate if it’s between 45-90 degree and severe if more than 90 degree.

Penile torsion in majority of cases (>85%) is between 10 to 20 degree. If it is a moderate or severe degree of torsion, urine stream may be deviated to one side.

Surgical intervention is not always required in isolated penile torsion. The indications for surgical correction are cosmetic, functional, or sexual. When penile torsion is associated with hypospadias, it should be corrected along with Hypospadias repair or urethroplasty at the same time.

About Hypospadias Foundation

Hypospadias foundation is a centre which provides personalized and best quality care for children and adults with hypospadias. It is one of the best hospital centres in India and world for surgical treatment for hypospadias in adults and children.  Our dedication in the field of hypospadias has helped us achieve excellent outcomes in these patients. We treat children and adults not only from various parts of India but also from more than 25 countries all over the world. Hypospadias foundation is located at MITR hospital in Kharghar, Navi-Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Every year more than 200 surgeries for hypospadias are performed at MITR hospital and Hypospadias Foundation

Contact us:

For appointment kindly contact us at the contact details given below.

  • MITR hospital & Hypospadias Foundation, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India
  • MITR Clinic: C1/8 Ground floor, Sector-2, VashiCall

Call for appointments: +91-2227743558/ 27744229/ 39/69 and +919324180553.

Or you can fill up this form- Contact form for Dr Singal


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Dr A.K.Singal presents his work at Hypospadias World Congress at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, USA

Hypospadias Foundation starts Clinic for Hypospadias Treatment & Surgery in Bahrain

Dr A.K.Singal was an invited speaker at Hypospadias World Congress at Children’s Research Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA, held between 30th October 2019-1st Nov 2019. Dr Singal presented four papers on hypospadias treatment and moderated scientific sessions during the conference.

The conference saw participation from more than 150 pediatric urologists and hypospadias specialists from across the world. The conference solely focussed on hypospadias. Various aspects of hypospadias were discussed such as etiology, diagnosis, hormonal tests and supplementation (testosterone injections), surgery techniques and complications/ results of hypospadias surgeries.

Dr A.K.Singal

Dr A.K.Singal

best hypospadias surgeon in india

Dr Singal with Dr Long & Dr Zaontz

Dr Singal presented the following lectures and papers in the World Congress:

  • Buccal inlay graft for failed hypospadias- Dr Singal showed technique of buccal (oral) mucosa graft inlay surgery and its results in failed hypospadias cases.
  • Considerations in adult hypospadias repairs- Adult hypospadias are difficult to manage especially if the surgery done in childhood has failed. Dr Singal showed innovative surgery techniques for such adult hypospadias cases for best outcomes.
  • Reimagined Byar’s flaps for staged hypospadias repairs- For hypospadias with severe chordee, it is important that the penile curvature gets fully corrected in first stage and then second stage surgery is done for bringing the urethra to the tip of penis. In expert hands the results of two stage surgery for hypospadias with severe chordee is very good. Dr Singal showed finer nuances of surgery to achieve best results to the audience.
  • Parental Awareness survey for families with hypospadias: Families of children or adults with hypospadias are often not fully aware of the extent of disease and what it means in the long run. Dr Singal and his team conducted a study of 150 families to understand about their concerns about hypospadias and their knowledge level about the disease/ surgery.

Overall the three-day conference resulted in great mutual exchange of ideas and also helped younger generation of surgeons learn from eminent faculty from all over the world.

Boy from Congo (Africa) finds cure for Distal Penile Hypospadias in Navi Mumbai, India- Successful hypospadias repair surgery even after circumcision

Hypospadias is the most common urological anomaly (birth defect) seen in newborn babies worldwide. It is mostly diagnosed soon after the baby is born when the opening of for urine is seen to be on underside of penis, the foreskin (prepuce) is incomplete on the underside and there may be a bend in the penis (chordee). Very rarely, if the hypospadias is very mild, it can be missed on neonatal examination by even a pediatrician.

Lot of countries and religions practice and advocate newborn circumcision in all male babies but whenever hypospadias is diagnosed in newborn age, circumcision should not be done. During circumcision, the prepuce is cut off and a very vital tissue which is required for hypospadias repair surgery is lost. Prepuce or its layers are used for anatomical hypospadias correction surgery. In a circumcised boy, hypospadias repair becomes difficult and complication rate of hypospadias surgery is little higher.

Master K.Hadriel.Ileunga was born in Congo (Africa) in a small city. His doctor did not recognize at birth that he had a distal penile hypospadias. He underwent a circumcision in the first few days of life by a general practitioner doctor. Later his parents and doctors realized that Hadriel had a distal penile hypospadias. As he grew up in Congo (Africa) his parents worried about his hypospadias. They visited a few doctors in Congo but there was no pediatric urologist available in Congo who could do a hypospadias repair after circumcision. At this time, they learnt about Hypospadias Foundation in Navi Mumbai, India and sent an email to come and get treated under Dr A.K.Singal’s care, one of the most renowned pediatric urologists and the best Hypospadias Surgeon in India.

Finally in first week of Jan 2015, the family met Dr Singal in Navi Mumbai. On examination, Hadriel had a distal penile hypospadias without chordee. There was no prepuce as he had undergone a circumcision in newborn age. After discussing with the parents, Hadriel was taken up for Hypospadias repair surgery on 16 Jan 2015. The surgery was done using Tubularised incised plate urethroplasty – also called Snodgrass urethroplasty. The whole urethroplasty was completed in one stage. The child was discharged from hospital the next day and the hypospadias dressing was removed after 5 days. The urethral catheter was removed after one week of surgery. Hadriel passed urine in very good stream without any difficulty. After a final follow-up two week after surgery, Hadriel has gone back to Africa- his country Congo and family is very happy. Fortunately, he had an excellent result of hypospadias repair surgery even after a neonatal circumcision.

Dr A.K.Singal with Hadriel, hypospadias patient from Congo

Dr A.K.Singal with Hadriel, hypospadias patient from Congo

Watch Video of Single stage surgery for severe scrotal hypospadias by Dr A.K.Singal, Hypospadias specialist surgeon

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    Family travels from England (UK) for Hypospadias repair surgery of their child to Navi Mumbai, India

    Hypospadias remains one of the most common urological anomalies across the globe affecting almost 1/150 newborn boys. No nation or economic status or religion is exempt from its occurrence. The art and science of hypospadias treatment has evolved significantly in the last two years with a single stage repair of hypospadias a real possibility in most of the cases. The results of hypospadias surgery are of course better at centres where there are specialist hypospadias surgeons doing dedicated hypospadias treatment in large numbers every year. Even the complications of hypospadias surgeries decrease significantly with increasing experience. This was the aim with which we started Hypospadias Foundation in 2008. Now 6 years later, we are happy to provide excellent outcomes and give happiness to kids and families who travel to India from all over the world.

    The Child from Great Britain

    Master Narain was noted to have hypospadias as soon as he was born in England. The pediatrician advised the family to meet the pediatric surgeon or pediatric urologist when the child was three months old. Through the NHS system, the family went and met a Pediatric Surgeon who advised hypospadias repair surgery after 1.5-2 years of age.

    Mother and father, both UK residents, were worried about delaying the surgery so much as somehow they felt that once the surgery is needed they better get it done at a younger age than a later age. They just couldn’t understand the point of waiting for the surgery which would anyway be required. With this dilemma about the age for hypospadias surgery, they contacted us at Hypospadias Foundation. After a few tele and online consultations they decided to travel to India for Hypospadias repair surgery with us at MITR Hospital in Navi Mumbai, India. We advised surgery between 6 months to one year of age. Finally, when Narain was 9 months old they traveled to India from England and visited us.

    On examination, Narain had a distal penile hypospadias without any chordee. The urethral plate was pink and healthy and he seemed suitable for a single stage Hypospadias repair. Parents did not have too many questions and I was very surprised. When I asked, they said that they have read a lot of blogs written by me on hypospadias treatment and were upto date with what their son is going to go through. This was a very happy consultation indeed. Saved me time and energy but still I went through the pre and post hypospadias surgery routine with them explaining to them. They just nodded their heads and posted Narain for surgery one day later and meanwhile we got the blood/ urine tests and pre surgery fitness for anesthesia.

    Surgery was done as first case in the morning the following day. Surgery was done under caudal analgesia and sevoflurane anesthesia. Since the urethral plate was good and the hypospadias was not very severe (distal penile hypospadias), we did a Tubularised incised plate urethroplasty also called Snodgrass repair urethroplasty. The surgery took only 75 minutes. Narain tolerated the procedure well and was to his usual playful self in a few hours after surgery. We sent him home by the next morning on usual oral medications for pain and bladder spasms and a mild antibiotic. One week later, the family visited us again in the outpatient clinic for removal of dressing and catheter. Narain passed urine well without any issues and had a good healing operative site at the time of hypospadias dressing removal. Another followup was scheduled at 10 days after catheter & dressing removal. Narain was passing urine in a good straight stream without any difficulty. Also the cosmetic result was excellent. The family was overjoyed and was able to travel back to England within three weeks of surgery. We requested the family to send us a short video of Narain passing urine and a few pictures of his penis at about 6 weeks and 3 months after surgery to confirm that everything has healed without any complication. We received these videos and pictures a week back and were happy to note that there was no complication of the surgery. We expect Narain to do very well and live a normal life after the hypospadias surgery.

    About the author:

    Dr A.K.Singal is a renowned Pediatric urologist and is considered one of the best hypospadias surgeons in India. He treats more than 100 kids with hypospadias every year at various hospitals in Navi Mumbai, Thane and Mumbai. Lot of kids travel from neighbouring cities such as Pune, Ahmedabad, Surat, Goa and as far as Bangalore, Hyderabad, Calcutta, Delhi, Jaipur, Chennai etc.

    He can be contacted by filling up the form here: Contact form Dr A.K.Singal

    Dr A.K.Singal during Hypospadias surgery

    Watch Video of Distal Penile Hypospadias Repair Surgery by Dr A.K.Singal, expert hypospadias surgeon

    Watch Video of Single stage surgery for severe scrotal hypospadias by Dr A.K.Singal, Hypospadias specialist surgeon

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