Hypospadias remains the most common urological anomaly in boys and more than 1 lakh kids are born in India every year with Hypospadias. Majority of these are mild variety like glanular, coronal, distal penile or midpenile hypospadias. Less than 15% of all hypospadias are moderate to severe variety of hypospadias like proximal penile, penoscrotal or scrotal hypospadias. While very mild hypospadias like glanular or coronal without chordee may be left alone without surgery, all other types of hypospadias or those with chordee require hypospadias correction treatment.
There are more than 100 different types of hypospadias surgery techniques described in medical literature attesting to the fact that none of the techniques are perfect or suitable for all types of hypospadias. The hypospadias specialist surgeon needs to be well acquainted with anatomy and various techniques to decide the type of surgery needed in a particular hypospadias case. Subtle variations in anatomy decide the type of technique needed. Hence the decision for each hypospadias is very individualized.
The common techniques in use for primary hypospadias are TIP urethroplasty (Snodgrass repair), Mathieu repair, Onlay Island flap urethroplasty, Prepucial tube and staged Bracka’s urethroplasty. Each technique of hypospadias surgery has its own advantages and disadvantages and case selection becomes very important.
Case: Boy from Lucknow
Master A.C. was born with proximal penile hypospadias in Lucknow. He was advised surgery after one year of age by the doctors in Lucknow. They consulted various surgeons in Lucknow and Delhi but were not satisfied by the approach. Finally, the boy’s uncle who was a scientist in CSIR sent an email to Hypospadias Foundation with all records and pictures asking for an opinion. We advised a clinical examination and a single stage surgery. The family flew to Mumbai and saw us in MITR Hospital, Kharghar where Hypospadias Foundation is located. The penis size for Master A.C. was very small with a stretched penile length of 2 cm and Glans diameter of 11mm. We advised two injections of Testosterone (male hormone) to induce growth of penis at one month interval. After one month of second injection, the glans size increased to 15.5 mm and penis length to 29mm. At this time, we planned a hypospadias correction surgery. A.C. was admitted the morning of surgery and a single stage urethroplasty was done using Onlay Island Flap technique for which Dr Singal is very renowned. The surgery took 90 minutes and the boy was discharged the next morning after hypospadias surgery. The dressing was removed after 5 days and catheter was removed after 10 days. A.C. passed urine well and at one month follow-up was passing urine in a good stream without any issues. The penis has healed very well with an excellent cosmetic result. The parents were overjoyed and sent an email of thanks after one month from Lucknow. Further follow-ups will be via email and phone calls. Patients from across the globe follow-up with us using electronic medium such as email, whats app and skype.
Contact Form for Hypospadias Foundation
Please fill all clinical details and upload pictures and clinical summaries (if available)